PHP Archiv

Das PHP Script Verzeichnis

Author Archives: Karl-Heinz

DJ Status is an attempt at managing the DJs for your shoutcast radio station. It allows you to show information on the currently active DJ which could be useful to your visitors. Information such as IM contacts and a link to their song request page can prove invaluable. DJ Status is incredibly easy to use […]

DOINS ist eine Art interaktiver Webseite zu der Jeder mit eigenen News beitragen kann. Wie der Name schon sagt funktioniert es in etwa so wie auf Englisch – Kostenlos Hier geht es zum Angebot

Orginaltext des Anbieters: „The PHP Firewall Generator is a simple PHP script that generates a firewall script for ipchains based firewalls. The script is created based on configuration rules entered by the user. The aim is to support a rule set similar to those supported by commercial Firewall systems, and have it easy to configure.“. […]