Das PHP Script Verzeichnis

Dieses Snippet generiert ein „random readable“ Passwort indem Worte aus einem Array kombiniert werden. Die Länge des Passworts kann über den Parameter (length) festgelegt werden.

function random_readable_pwd($length=10){

    // the wordlist from which the password gets generated
    // (change them as you like)
    $words = 'dog,cat,sheep,sun,sky,red,ball,happy,ice,';
    $words .= 'green,blue,music,movies,radio,green,turbo,';
    $words .= 'mouse,computer,paper,water,fire,storm,chicken,';
    $words .= 'boot,freedom,white,nice,player,small,eyes,';
    $words .= 'path,kid,box,black,flower,ping,pong,smile,';
    $words .= 'coffee,colors,rainbow,plus,king,tv,ring';

    // Split by ",":
    $words = explode(',', $words);
    if (count($words) == 0){ die('Wordlist is empty!'); }

    // Add words while password is smaller than the given length
    $pwd = '';
    while (strlen($pwd) < $length){         $r = mt_rand(0, count($words)-1);         $pwd .= $words[$r];     }       // append a number at the end if length > 2 and
    // reduce the password size to $length
    $num = mt_rand(1, 99);
    if ($length > 2){
        $pwd = substr($pwd,0,$length-strlen($num)).$num;
    } else {
        $pwd = substr($pwd, 0, $length);

    return $pwd;


Beispiel Code

random_readable_pwd(10) => returns something like: pingwater6, radiohap28, sunwhite84, happykid44, etc...

Quelle: www.jonasjohn.de